Transfer Student Placement Requirements

Prior to enrollment at Chadron State College, transfer students are required to meet our Math and English placement requirements. Students have three options for meeting placement requirements:

Option 1: High School Transcript

CSC uses your high school GPA to place you into the appropriate level of course in your first semester. Please send a copy of your high school transcript to:

Placement from your high school (HS) GPA is completed as follows:

HS GPACSC Course/s 
3.0 or higher SLO English (as required for degree) As required for degree
  SLO Math (as required for degree) As required for degree
2.99 or lower ENG 111 Intro to College Writing (3 credits) Elective Credit
  MATH 101 and/or MATH 102 (3 credits each) Elective Credit
Option 2: College Transcripts

Associate's Degree: Students transferring to Chadron State College with an Associate's degree meet the Math and English placement requirements.*

ENG C- or Above: Official transcripts showing successful completion of 3 ENG credit hours meet placement requirements.*

MATH C- or Above: Official transcripts showing successful completion of 3 MATH credit hours meet placement requirements.*

* Appropriate placement will be made following evaluation of transcript(s).

Option 3: Placement Testing

If students are unable to provide any of the above options, they will need to make arrangements to complete placement testing. For placement testing please contact the Director of Transitional Studies at

Click here for more information about placement testing.

Transfer Students without an AA/AS degree must satisfy the above requirements, or equivalent preparation based upon review of your transcripts by the Director of Transitional Studies.